The Dark Side of Celebrity Climbers

In light of the recent surge of sexual harassment cases within the climbing community, we must confront a troubling truth: celebrity climbers are exploiting their fame and influence to prey on aspiring climbers. While it may seem unreasonable to babysit climbers who have proven themselves capable of conquering some of the world’s toughest routes, the increasing frequency of these incidents demands a system that holds individuals accountable for their misconduct. For far too long, women have been marginalized in the climbing community with their historical achievements often over shadowed by the boys club culture of climbing. Until recently, the voices of LGBTQ+ climbers have been virtually absent from the dialogue. But as more women and marginalized groups rise to the ranks of climbing legends—an honor traditionally reserved for men—we must ask: what responsibility do their sponsors have in fostering a safe and equitable environment for all? What’s the balance between “babysitting” and personal accountability? It’s time to shake up this conversation and demand that the climbing community not only recognizes but actively addresses these critical issues.
 Share your experiences, speak out against harassment, and support organizations that advocate for inclusivity. Only by standing together can we create a climbing culture where everyone feels safe and respected.

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Most Recent Cases of Sexual Harassment and Assault- This only accounts for the cases that have been reported by the media and not the many cases that go unreported:


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