
Showing posts from October, 2024

Losing Our Humanity To A Chronically Online Culture

 For the first time in history, our culture has shifted into a new age defined by technology and a chronically online existence. You might expect that with newfound access to a variety of opinions and worldviews—and the ability to connect with people across the globe from the comfort of our couches—we would become more open-minded. However, the online space is increasingly claustrophobic, filled with an endless feed of content and competing voices. With the recent rise of cancel culture, we face a new epidemic: if your ideas stray from the mainstream or the latest political narratives, you risk being silenced by an army of cancel culture advocates. This culture of speech policing brings unforeseen consequences, including the erosion of healthy debate and the ability to consider differing perspectives. In the earliest days of human history, we learned from our elders, gathering around campfires to absorb the wisdom of our communities. In more recent times, before the surge of technology

The Dark Side of Celebrity Climbers

In light of the recent surge of sexual harassment cases within the climbing community, we must confront a troubling truth: celebrity climbers are exploiting their fame and influence to prey on aspiring climbers. While it may seem unreasonable to babysit climbers who have proven themselves capable of conquering some of the world’s toughest routes, the increasing frequency of these incidents demands a system that holds individuals accountable for their misconduct. For far too long, women have been marginalized in the climbing community with their historical achievements often over shadowed by the boys club culture of climbing. Until recently, the voices of LGBTQ+ climbers have been virtually absent from the dialogue. But as more women and marginalized groups rise to the ranks of climbing legends—an honor traditionally reserved for men—we must ask: what responsibility do their sponsors have in fostering a safe and equitable environment for all? What’s the balance between “babysitting” and

On Belay Act Draft

On Belay Act Join the On Belay Act- Our campaign dedicated to fostering a respectful and inclusive climbing community. BELAY stands for Building Equity, Leadership, Accountability, and You, ensuring that every climber feels safe and supported. By advocating for equity and accountability, we aim to eliminate sexual harassment and bullying to foster a safe space for all people regardless of gender or identity.  Below is an outline of values we hope to incentivize for sponsors, community members and related organizations to uphold. Core Values 1. Respect for All • Promote inclusivity and mutual respect. Every participant, regardless of gender, race, skill level, or background, deserves to feel safe and valued in the outdoor community.  2. Zero Tolerance for Harassment and Bullying • Uphold a zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment, bullying, and discrimination to foster a supportive and welcoming environment.  3. Accountability and Transparency • Commit to transparency in addressi

Summits And Set Backs

The climbing community, once a sanctuary of freedom and camaraderie, now grapples with a troubling surge of sexual harassment and bullying cases that have shaken its foundation. As a result, many climbers find themselves questioning their place in an environment that was once synonymous with trust and adventure. Like many other industries, it is not uncommon for such cases to arise, but somehow, I never thought the rock climbing community would be riddled with the same inequities. However, we can no longer deny that a reckoning must occur regarding the often unacknowledged instances of harassment in an environment where power dynamics and trust balance on a precarious line. We depend on our climbing partners and mentors to literally catch us when we fall, but when that relationship begins to blur professional boundaries, who holds these perpetrators accountable? So far, major sponsors have remained largely silent on this issue, although Red Bull did drop Nims Purja as a sponsor. What i